Acupuncture Physical Medicine, Trigger Point Therapy and Herbs - Lyme Literate
Tim Rhudy, M.S., L.Ac. is one of the few acupuncturists in the country practicing “Acupuncture Physical Medicine”. Now practicing in Albany, NY and Delmar, NY, Tim was the lone staff L.Ac. (licensed acupuncturist) at the world renowned Cleveland Clinic Dept of Pain Management from 2005 through 2011. The Cleveland Clinic attracts some of the most complex patient cases in the country. Many who have exhausted their local healthcare options without success find their way to the Cleveland Clinic. Tim has treated thousands of patients - many with challenging, often complex, and sometimes, unique conditions. Lyme literate.
Delmar Wellness Center, 323 Delaware Avenue, Delmar, NY 12054
By Appointment: use contact button or call (518) 369-6175